FINCA GARYTH – Chocolate from Ecuador

FINCA GARYTH, Nacional cocoa producer
FINCA GARYTH is a cocoa plantation located in Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas, in the north-west of Ecuador. The name GARYTH represents the initials of the first names of the three sons, Gabriel, Alberto and Ricardo and their parents, Yolanda and Thomas.
Located at the foot of the Andes Mountains, the farm enjoys a tropical climate and ideal conditions for growing the famous %22Nacional%22 cocoa beans.
Also known as Arriba, the Nacional has been grown in Ecuador since ancient times. In the 18th and 19th centuries, these beans were rare and their subtle aromas were renowned worldwide. But after a string of disastrous diseases, foreign varieties were introduced into the region. Little by little, Nacional lost its unique taste and its great reputation.
Thomas CEDEÑO AGUILAR and his wife Yolanda have reintroduced the cultivation and tradition of cocoa in Ecuador. Together with their sons, they are committed to restoring Nacional to its former glory. In 2019, the FINCA GARYTH farm was the first farm in Ecuador to be awarded the PDO %22Cacao Nacional%22 certification.
Region: Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas
Country: Ecuador
Organisation: Family farm bringing together 25 small farming families
Plantation surface area: 35 Hectares
Variety: 100% Neo-Nacional Organic
Harvest: nov-feb and may-june
Environmental action: forest conservation and replanting. Certified Organic Farming

An Eco-responsible approach

FINCA GARYTH’s cocoa is grown in a sustainable agro-forestry system that helps protect the region’s plant and animal life, including the rich biodiversity of the Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena National Park. The latter, which spans 3 countries, is one of the world’s top 25 biodiversity hotspots. Today, this ecosystem is under severe threat due to deforestation and monoculture.
The approach taken to cocoa production on the FINCA GARYTH farm is a very good example of how nature and agriculture can co-exist. As a passionate and knowledgeable organic farmer, Thomas has introduced natural systems that protect his trees and crops from disease and stimulate the pollination and growth of cocoa pods.

At GARYTH, all the processes (growing, harvesting, fermentation and drying) take place on the farm. Yolanda runs a small chocolate factory. This allows her to test and explore the full potential of the harvested cocoa beans. FINCA GARYTH chocolate bars are now on sale throughout Ecuador.
To support the development of the farm, our sourcing agent SILVA CACAO pre-finances its cocoa purchases from FINCA GARYTH. In this way, it supports the cultivation of Nacional organic cocoa in Ecuador.