Bean to Bar Chocolate Maker

Bean to Bar chocolate maker, an encounter with a unique movement
20° Nord 20° Sud was born from a woman’s passion for Bean to Bar chocolate and her desire to share it with as many people as possible. Mélanie Paulau fell into trouble when she was little. However, she never thought she would one day become a Bean to Bar chocolate maker, one of the few in France! Until a few years ago, she was not in the least interested in this product, despite the fact that the whole world adores it. She found it too fatty, too sweet, or both… In any case, it was of no interest to her taste buds !
Mais ça, c’était avant… Il aura suffi d’une visite au salon du chocolat à Paris pour inverser la tendance et rendre Mélanie accro au cacao ! She owes this conversion to her encounter with the Bean To Bar movement. At long last, she found chocolate that really tasted of cocoa ! Natural, high-quality chocolate bearing real values !
Since then, cocoa has always been part of Melanie’s life. Determined to turn her passion into a profession, she trained with experienced chocolatiers. Then she embarked on the adventure by creating 20° Nord 20° Sud.
Today, it is a dynamic team that operates in the workshops of the Bean to Bar chocolate factory in Vendée. As true enthusiasts, Mélanie and her acolytes work every day to develop chocolate products that are as delicious as they are surprising. Chocolate bars, pastas to taste, Florentines, Neapolitans… The creations of 20° Nord 20° Sud promote terroirs and their differences.

A quest for meaning as well as high-quality chocolate
At 20° Nord 20° Sud, each tasting is an explosion of flavours that transports the consumer to South America, India and even Madagascar. Natural notes of banana, candy, spices and many other original flavors emerge from the cocoas that we select and work with care.
The making of tasting chocolates begins with the very careful selection of cocoa beans. Just like wine, cocoa comes from different terroirs. And it is in the latitudes of 20° North and 20° South that the cocoa tree grows, this tree which is already several thousand years old. In our chocolate factory, we control the entire chocolate manufacturing process. “We transform the cocoa beans into Grands Crus chocolate, without adding fat or lecithin in order to preserve the unique taste of the cocoa terroir…”
Over and above the quest for taste, the Bean to Bar chocolate maker 20° Nord 20° Sud is committed to a genuine ethical and eco-responsible approach. We strive to support and highlight the women and men who cultivate exceptional cocoa while respecting the environment.
In countries that are victims of deforestation and monoculture, these local producers develop plantations that restore and protect biodiversity. “We buy the raw material from them at respectful prices in order to allow them to live decently and to set up various social actions (schooling, social protection, etc.).”
To give you an insight into their world, we have created chocolate tasting and making workshops. From our workshop, travel across the oceans and meet these committed producers. Explore the particularities of each cocoa bean. Let yourself be transported by their captivating aroma and melt with pleasure for their delicious taste!