ANAMALAI – Chocolate from India

ANAMALAI, Indian cocoa
The ANAMALAI Plantation is located in the south of India, in the foothills of the Anamalai Hills, close to the Indira Gandhi Nature Reserve.
Harish MANOJ and Karthi PALANISWAMY’s farm has almost 10,000 cocoa trees, planted amongst coconut and nutmeg trees. This diversification allows the land to be regenerated and stay healthy. Animals also play an important role – a herd of Indian cows keeps weeds under control and provides manure compost.
Cocoa from the ANAMALAI plantation is in the process of being certified as organic. It is harvested, fermented and dried on the farm, in accordance with the principles of aquaculture and permaculture.
Region: Tamil Nadu
Country: India
Organisation: Farm owned by Harish MANOJ KUMAR and Karthikeyan PALANISWAMY
Plantation surface area: 120 hectares
Variety: Amelaonado, Trinitario, Criollo
Environmental action: pesticide-free farming and extensive agro-forestry
Chocolate and Wine pairing suggestion: Gamay > >Domaine Saint Nicolas summer range

The history of cocoa in India

In the late 1940s, when India was under British rule, the colonialists realised that southern India, particularly the Tamil Nadu region, had a climate suitable for growing cocoa trees. So they decided to bring back Amerindian plants and grow them in this fertile territory.
Less famous than South American cocoa, Indian cocoa accounts for only a small proportion of world production. This is a well-kept secret because one of the world’s best cocoa varieties grows here!